evening gallery opening

Values and Statements


We are members of a national tree planting scheme, which helps us to offset any carbon output that we’re unable to reduce. Our Carbon offsetting contribution plants 480 trees a year. This addresses more than 30 tonnes of carbon emissions a year.

sustainability video production values
Sustainability Statement
Sustainability Statement

How are we making video production more sustainable?

Ever since we formed in 2009, we have been mindful of our environmental impact. We’re regularly reviewing and looking at new ways to make our work more sustainable. We are open to collaborative support in this area. If you’d like to share ideas about what more we could do within the video production industry, please get in touch.

Diversity and Inclusion Statement
Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Statement

At Tailored Media, we believe that diversity and inclusion are essential to our success as a professional video production company with strong values and work ethics.

We are committed to creating a workplace that is welcoming and inclusive to all. We value the unique perspectives and experiences that each individual brings to our team, and we strive to create an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and supported.

We are committed to providing equal opportunities for all employees and applicants, regardless of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, disability, or any other legally protected status. We are dedicated to fostering a culture of respect, inclusivity, and collaboration, and we believe that this is key to our continued growth and success.

Anti Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
Ethics and fairness at work

We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. Our anti-slavery policy reflects our promise to act ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships.

We have a zero-tolerance approach towards what we deem to be unethical or bad practices at work.

Our supply chains and supplier adherence to our values or positive change and progressive culture.

The relationship with all our suppliers has been established over some years and is built upon mutually beneficial factors. We have close and personal links and contact with the owners or directors.

When we acquire new contractors or suppliers, we pre-qualify them through a due diligence process. We look at company portfolio and get references from other clients to establish that they are suitable.

To date, we haven’t been made aware of any human trafficking or modern slavery activities within the supply chain.

However, rest assure, if any were highlighted to us, we would act immediately in accordance with our legal and moral obligations.

We want our work load and pay to be equal, fair, positive to everyone involved.

Opportunities and training
Opportuinities and training

We are keen to pass on as much knowledge as possible to those wanting to learn, and we make it our mission to create an inspiring environment for fresh new talent to prove themselves and create great work (under our modest umbrella). We want to help and want to hear from you.

Whenever possible, we like to offer training and mentorship opportunities. Offering a safe and inspiring space for beginner filmmakers wanting to try their skills in this wonderful business and art. We like to offer advice and training with equipment, on site, or here at the studio editing. 

We have worked with schools wanting us to help with some of their work experience students, as we love helping out!

Likewise, we don’t see age as being a restriction or discriminatory aspect in this industry. We have carried out post-production and production courses for more experienced students and professionals, as well as businesses wanting to give their marketing teams a kick start into making videos.

There’s a role for everyone, the most experienced as well as the beginners. We are very careful in putting crews together keeping in mind what everyone’s strengths are and how they can work together at their full potential on any given project.

Supporting Charities

Tailored Media have historically offered reduced rates to all charities that we work with. This approach of discounted rates of our services is extended to organisations that are specifically in the business of climate awareness and helping to reverse climate change. 

Staying Mindful of the Impact of Travel 

As a video production company covering many facets of content creation we do need to travel sometimes for the filming parts of our productions. When we need to transport a lot of equipment and crew, we use our 6 seater crew van that transports people (sometimes including clients) and equipment together as much as possible, as opposed to individuals driving in their own vehicles. There will be some occasions where this is difficult, for example if a production shoot finishes very late and individuals need to travel directly back to their own homes. Large vehicle purchase is a significant cost, but we will certainly be moving over to fully electric crew vehicles on our next upgrade. 

Where we can, we favour public transport for shoots that might need a lightweight and agile camera option. With the Elizabeth Line connecting our base at Royal Arsenal Riverside to the National travel network, we’re able to be vehicle free, when appropriate. For client meetings we continue to use video calling, as made necessary during the 2020 pandemic. We do delight in face to face meetings but will use public transport to attend where possible. 

International Solutions 

Tailored Media now operates a near-zero air travel policy for international projects; Only authorising flights if other alternatives have been exhausted or if a client specifically requests one of our reputable UK based Directors to work with them overseas. There certainly was a time when we were flying crews across the globe frequently on our clients’ request but we now have such a rich network of teams around the world, we’re in a position to offer our trusted services with locally based crew. We rigorously scout, audition and engage local filmmakers and crews for shoots that are outside the easy reach of our London and SW England bases. We have strong relationships with a wide cross section of filmmakers on our roster across the UK, Europe and in more than 25 other international regions. This helps to reduce CO2 and help support creative filmmaking and videography in other communities. 

Health and Safety

Last but not least, we include in our list our Health and Safety practices as a basic and legal right for our crews and clients to work in an insured, safe and happy environment. Stress free, although hard working. We strongly believe that the best creativity is born from a feeling that we are covered by our clients and employers to do the right job in the best circumstances possible. Brilliant work comes from a brilliant working environment – anyone disagree?

If you have any questions or concerns with any of our values and statements, please write to our producers and owner at hello@tailoredmedia.co.uk

Let’s talk about how we can work together